International Exchanges

Intercultural Projects

[ENG] 국제문화행사-주요활동

Opening Ceremony and Artist Talk for MIGRATIONS Project

페이지 정보

  • Writer : 남이섬교육문화그룹
  • Data : 20-03-10 10:50
  • Hit : 1,434회


The ICPBS (International Centre for the Picture Book in Society) at the University of Worcester in the UK, initiated the MIGRATIONS Project to raise

awareness of the flight of migrant and refugee children. They invited picture book illustrators from all over the world to send a postcard of a bird

in flight or in resting. Like birds, humans travel (migrate) to other places to live better and to survive.
An international collection of mail art was brought together in an exhibition at Bratislava during the 2017 International Biennale for Illustration.

The collection was then exhibited again in Stellenbsoch, South Africa in March 2018 and on Nami Island, Korea from April to September 2018.


“MIGRATIONS Project is a project by the ICPBS (International Centre for the Picture Book in Society) from the University of Worcester in the UK

that engages with questions of migrations in the world.
It’s a political, social-political, economic crisis nowadays, and we thought there has to be a way how an illustrator could also be involved.

So, therefore, we invited people to make a postcard of birds flying.
Like birds, people migrate, and we have to be aware of that, and where would they go in the world, people would hang them in a group,

and we would remember the times that people are migrating.” - Extract from the Project Planner of MIGRATIONS, Piet Grobler’s Interview


Opening Ceremony

- Date and Time: 2018.4.16
- Venue: Nami Island, Korea


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- Date and Time: 2018.9.16
- Venue: MIC IMPACT (Seoul, Korea)
- Moderator: Piet Grobler (Illustrator, Project Manager of MIGRATIONS Project)
- Panel: Roger Mello, Jimin Kim, Myung-Ae Lee


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